Living Life And Taking Care of Self

By: Maranda Sims

Taking time for yourself is very important. Dealing with the struggles of daily living is a lot for anyone. Subsequently we are parents, employees, pet owners, siblings, friends, and just simply us. When playing all these different roles self-care is so important. We must take time for ourselves and remember to start putting us first. Doing these things simultaneously will help you become a better version of yourself.

Spending time with nature
Barefoot spending time with nature

#1: Exercise  

Making time for yourself can consist of a 10-minute walk. While walking take the time to enjoy the view, listen to the birds, pay attention to the small things that you never notice in your day. I found that walking round my yard I see the squirrels in the trees, all the many ant hills, (that I totally need to get rid of) and just the seasons changing. The trees are turning brown and beginning to fall and the grass needs about one more mowing. Being with nature therefore put things in prospective for us. We worry about so many things, but even God has a way of taking care of the smallest of animals.

Spa stones

#2: Spend time with Yourself 

Self-care can also be just spending time with yourself. It does not matter if it is a spa day, nail appointment, watching tv and drinking your wine. Which mine is any type of Stella Rose. Very inexpensive and a great taste. Bi-weekly I go with my sister (that lives and hour away) to our nail appointments. We spend time just talking about life and goals and catching up on everyday living. We spend so much time running and doing things for everyone else that its time to do for ourselves. So yes, GIRL make that appointment and spend your hard-earned money on you sis!!

Spend time alone, rest and find your peace

#3: Saying NO

            Realizing that it is ok to tell people NO was the hardest thing for me to do. I am a LEO, and I am a helper, and protector by nature. I always want to make sure the people around me are ok. Often times we are so busy pouring out and giving to others, but who pour back into you. Weather its time, conversation, or encouragement, goes a long way. We need to be selfish and start saying NO. No, I’m sorry I can not do that today. No, I can’t go this time, however maybe another time. It will be ok and that way you are not committing to things that you really do not want to do anyways. Or giving things to people that you know will not give it back to you. Learning that took forever consequently, it finally sunk in after I was becoming financially drained.

Show up for your Self and life will show up for you. -J. Mike Fields

We must remember that self-care starts with self. The work starts with us and it’s a forever work. My favorite quote is I’m under construction because we will forever be making changes and building and working on ourselves. Start the work by finding your truth. Truth meaning why are we the way that we are. What are the things we need to face head on to make us a better version of ourselves. Our Truth is just that our truth. Others may not agree with you but it is not debatable. We must put in the work and deal with out truth for us. My favorite part is living in your Truth. There will be more to come on that subject.

            Just remember that self-care is important for our health. We must start putting ourselves first surprisingly. That does not mean neglect our duties of our every day life, but it does mean we have to stop and take a moment to breathe and enjoy us.